Can AMD GPU do ray tracing?

Ray tracing is a way of making graphics look more real and beautiful. It makes light behave like it does in the real world, bouncing off objects and creating shadows and reflections.

Ray tracing can make games and other visuals more immersive and enjoyable. But ray tracing is not easy to do. It needs a lot of computing power and special hardware. Nvidia,

one of the biggest makers of graphics cards, has made special chips called RT cores that can do ray tracing very fast. AMD, another big maker of graphics cards, has not made such

chips. Instead, AMD uses its normal chips to do ray tracing. This means that AMD graphics cards can do ray tracing, but not as well as Nvidia’s.

Table of Contents

1. How Do AMD and Nvidia Compare?

Nvidia has solved this problem by making special chips called RT cores. These chips are designed to do ray tracing very fast. They can trace many rays of light at the same time and

calculate their colors and brightness quickly. Nvidia has put these chips on its graphics cards, along with its normal chips that do other graphics tasks.

This way, Nvidia can do ray tracing very well, without losing much performance or quality.

How Do AMD and Nvidia Compare

AMD has not made such chips. Instead, AMD uses its normal chips to do ray tracing. These chips are called compute cores, and they can do many different kinds of

calculations. AMD has made these chips very powerful and flexible, so they can do ray tracing too. But they are not as good as Nvidia’s RT cores, because they have to share their

power and time with other graphics tasks. This means that AMD graphics cards can do ray tracing, but not as well as Nvidia’s. Here are some of the differences:


Nvidia graphics cards can run games with ray tracing faster than AMD’s, especially at higher resolutions like 4K.

This means that Nvidia can give smoother and more responsive gameplay with ray tracing on.


Not all games and features that use ray tracing work on AMD graphics cards. Some games might not have ray tracing at all on AMD, or might have lower quality or fewer effects.

This is because some games use software and hardware that only work on Nvidia’s RT cores.


AMD graphics cards use more electricity when they do ray tracing, because they have to work harder to achieve the same result.

This means that AMD graphics cards might get hotter and louder when ray tracing is on.

2. How Does Ray Tracing Work?

To understand why ray tracing is hard, let’s see how it works. Imagine you are looking at a scene through a camera. The camera has a lens that lets in light. The light comes from

different sources, like the sun, the sky, or a lamp. The light also reflects off different objects, like a mirror, a window, or a shiny car.

The light also creates shadows when it is blocked by something.

How Does Ray Tracing Work

Ray tracing tries to simulate all this light. It starts from the camera and sends out rays of light in different directions. Each ray of light hits an object and bounces back to the

camera. The color and brightness of the ray depends on the object it hit and the light source it came from. The camera collects all the rays and makes an image out of them.

This image looks very realistic, because it captures all the details of the light.

But there is a problem. There are too many rays of light to trace. A single pixel on the screen might need hundreds or thousands of rays to look right.

And there are millions of pixels on the screen. So ray tracing needs a lot of computing power and time to make a good image.

And it needs to do this many times per second to make a smooth animation.

3. Should You Use Ray Tracing on AMD?

Even though AMD graphics cards are not as good as Nvidia’s at ray tracing, there are still some reasons to use ray tracing on AMD:


Some games are made to work better on AMD hardware, and can use ray tracing well. These games can give good performance and quality with ray tracing on AMD. Some

examples are Metro Exodus and Cyberpunk 2077, which look amazing with ray tracing on AMD.


At lower resolutions like 1080p, the difference between AMD and Nvidia is not as big. AMD graphics cards can still run games with ray tracing at playable speeds, without losing too

much quality. This means that you can enjoy ray tracing on AMD if you have a lower resolution monitor or TV.


AMD is not giving up on ray tracing. AMD is working on making its graphics cards better at ray tracing, with new technology and software. AMD is also making new graphics cards

with more power and features, which might be able to do ray tracing better. AMD’s next generation of graphics cards, called RDNA 3, might have a big improvement in ray tracing.

4. Ray Tracing Is Not Just for Gaming

Ray tracing is not only useful for games. It can also help professionals and creators make amazing images and animations.

AMD has some powerful tools and software that use ray tracing for these purposes:

AMD Radeon ProRender:

This is a program that lets you make realistic images and animations with ray tracing. You can use it with different software like Blender, Maya, or Photoshop.

You can also use it to make virtual reality and augmented reality content.

AMD Radeon Rays:

This is a library that lets you add Ray Tracing to your own programs and applications. You can use it to make games, movies, or simulations with ray tracing.

You can also use it to speed up your ray tracing workflows.

5. How do I enable ray tracing on my AMD GPU?

Ray tracing is a cool feature that makes your games look more realistic and beautiful. It adds realistic lighting, shadows, reflections, and other effects to the game world. It can

make a huge difference in how immersive and enjoyable your gaming experience is. But not all graphics cards can do ray tracing, and not all games support it. And even if you have a

compatible graphics card and a supported game, you still need to enable it and tweak some settings to get the best performance. So how do you turn on ray tracing for your AMD

graphics card and make your games look amazing? Don’t worry, I’ll guide you through the process step-by-step. It’s easier than you think, and you’ll be amazed by the results.

What You Need to Turn On Ray Tracing for Your AMD Graphics Card

Before we get started, let’s make sure you have everything you need to turn on ray tracing for your AMD graphics card. Here are the prerequisites:

A compatible AMD graphics card: Not all AMD graphics cards can do ray tracing. You need a Radeon RX 6000 series or later card to have access to ray tracing capabilities.

These are the latest and most powerful AMD graphics cards on the market. You can check your specific GPU model on AMD’s website to be sure.

A supported game: The game you’re playing must also support ray tracing and specifically offer it for AMD graphics cards. Many games only offer ray tracing on NVIDIA graphics cards, which are AMD’s

competitors. You can check the game’s settings or official website for confirmation. Some of the popular games that support ray tracing on

AMD graphics cards are Cyberpunk 2077, Resident Evil Village, Godfall, and Dirt 5.

Updated drivers: You also need to have the latest AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition drivers installed on your computer. These are the software that let your graphics card

communicate with your games and other programs. You can download them from AMD’s website.

How to Turn On Ray Tracing for Your AMD Graphics Card

Now that you have everything you need, let’s see how to turn on ray tracing for your AMD graphics card. Here are the steps:

Launch the game: Start the game you want to play with ray tracing on. Make sure it’s a game that supports ray tracing on AMD graphics cards.

Go to the game’s graphics settings: This is usually found in the main menu or options menu of the game. Look for a section related to graphics, video, or display settings.

Look for a section related to ray tracing or advanced graphics settings: This is where you’ll find the option to enable ray tracing.

It might be labeled as “Ray Tracing,” “RTX (for AMD),” or something similar. Sometimes, it might be under a sub-section called “Advanced,” “Quality,” or “Effects.”

Enable the ray tracing option: Turn on the ray tracing option by clicking on it, toggling it, or selecting it from a drop-down menu. You should see a confirmation message or a check mark next to it.

Adjust individual ray tracing settings (optional): Some games offer different levels of ray tracing quality, which can impact performance. For example, you might be able to choose between low,

medium, high, or ultra ray tracing settings. Or you might be able to enable or disable specific ray tracing effects,

such as shadows, reflections, or ambient occlusion. Experiment to find the balance between

visuals and FPS (frames per second) you prefer. The higher the ray tracing quality, the more realistic the game will look, but the lower the FPS will be.

The lower the ray tracing quality, the less realistic the game will look, but the higher the FPS will be.

Additional Tips for Turning On Ray Tracing for Your AMD Graphics Card

You’re almost done! Here are some additional tips to help you get the most out of ray tracing on your AMD graphics card:

Restart the game after enabling ray tracing: Sometimes, the game might require you to restart it for the ray tracing settings to take effect.

You should see a prompt or a warning message telling you to do so. If not, it’s still a good idea to restart the game anyway, just to be safe.

Be aware of performance impact: Ray tracing is a demanding graphical technique, even on high-end AMD graphics cards. Expect frame rate drops depending on the game and settings.

This means the game might run slower or less smoothly than usual. If you find the performance too low, you can lower the ray tracing quality or disable some ray tracing effects.

Or you can lower other graphics settings, such as resolution, texture quality, or anti-aliasing, to boost performance.

Consider your specific AMD graphics card model: Performance in ray tracing varies across the RX 6000 series. Higher-end models like the RX 6800 XT will handle it better than lower-end models like the

RX 6600. If you have a lower-end model, you might need to lower the ray tracing quality or other graphics settings more than if you have a higher-end model.

Stay updated with drivers and game patches: Both AMD and game developers may release updates that improve ray tracing performance or compatibility. Make sure you check for updates regularly and

install them as soon as possible. You can use the AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition to check for driver updates, and the game launcher or platform (such as Steam, Epic Games Store, or Origin) to check for game updates.

Remember, not all games will offer ray tracing support for AMD graphics cards: And enabling it can significantly impact performance. Ensure your system meets the requirements and weigh the visual enhancements against potential frame rate drops before diving in.

Do all AMD graphics cards do ray tracing, or just the new ones?

Only the newer AMD cards, starting from the RX 6000 series, support ray tracing. This technology is quite advanced, so older models don’t have this feature.

How well do AMD graphics cards compare to Nvidia cards for ray tracing?

Nvidia cards are often seen as better for ray tracing because they have special parts called RT cores just for this job. AMD cards use parts that also do other tasks, which might make them a bit slower in comparison.

Is ray tracing on AMD GPUs slow and laggy?

It can be, especially if the game is very detailed or your AMD card isn’t one of the top models. You might need to adjust some settings to get a smoother experience.

Are there any games that won’t do ray tracing with an AMD graphics card?

No, if a game has ray tracing, it should work with an AMD card. But remember, the quality might vary compared to other cards.

What parts of a game use ray tracing (shadows, reflections, etc.)?

Ray tracing is used to make games look more lifelike. It improves how light behaves, creating realistic shadows, reflections, and other effects.

Is ray tracing super important for having a good gaming experience?

Not always. While ray tracing adds beauty to games, it’s not essential. You can enjoy many games without it and still have a fantastic time.

Is it worth getting an AMD card even if the ray tracing isn’t as good?

Sure, if you’re not too worried about ray tracing. AMD cards offer great performance for their price, making them a solid choice for many gamers.

Do AMD have their own special technology for ray tracing, like Nvidia’s RT cores?

Yes, AMD has something called Ray Accelerators. They’re not as specialized as Nvidia’s RT cores but they help with ray tracing.

Are there any settings I can adjust to make ray tracing run better on my AMD card?

Yes, you can tweak the ray tracing details in some games. Lowering other settings might also help ray tracing perform better.

When will AMD catch up to Nvidia in terms of ray tracing performance?

It’s tough to predict. AMD is constantly working on their tech, so they might close the gap sooner than we think.

Besides gaming, are there any other uses for ray tracing on a graphics card?

Absolutely! Ray tracing is also used in professional fields like 3D rendering and animation to create stunningly realistic images.

Will ray tracing make my computer use more power?

Yes, because ray tracing asks a lot from your graphics card, it will use more power. It’s something to keep in mind if you’re watching your electricity usage.

Do I need a super powerful computer to use ray tracing?

You don’t need the most powerful computer out there, but a decent graphics card is important for smooth ray tracing. It’s like having a good pair of shoes for running;

they don’t have to be the most expensive, but they should be fit for the race.

Is ray tracing something that will be used in all future games?

Ray tracing might become more popular, but not every game will use it. It’s like 3D movies; they’re cool, but not every movie is made in 3D because it’s not always necessary.

Can I turn ray tracing on and off in games, or is it always on?

You can switch ray tracing on or off in most games. Think of it like a light switch; you can turn it on to see the fancy effects or off to save on electricity (performance).

How can I tell if a game actually supports ray tracing?

Check the game’s details or reviews, or peek into the graphics settings. It’s a bit like checking if a movie is available in 3D before going to the cinema.

Are there any downsides to using ray tracing, besides performance?

The main downside is the performance impact. Ray tracing can make your game look stunning,

but it’s a bit like putting on a high-definition movie; you might need a better screen (or in this case, lower other settings) to enjoy it fully.

Is ray tracing something that matters more for high-resolution gaming?

Yes, ray tracing is more demanding at higher resolutions. It’s similar to how watching a movie in higher definition can be more taxing on your TV or streaming service.

If you’re playing at lower resolutions, the impact might be less noticeable.

Should I wait to buy a new graphics card until ray tracing is better on AMD?

If you’re really excited about ray tracing and want the best, you might want to wait. But if you need a new card now and are okay with decent ray tracing, AMD’s current options could be just right for you.

What kind of games do I typically play?

Think about the games you love. If they don’t use ray tracing or it’s not a game-changer for your experience, an AMD card can be a great teammate for your gaming adventures.

What’s my budget for a new graphics card?

Money matters. If you’re looking for good value, AMD cards are like finding a great deal on a quality pair of sneakers—they do the job well without breaking the bank.

Where can I learn more about ray tracing and how it works?

Curiosity is awesome! For a deep dive into ray tracing, check out tech websites and YouTube channels. They’re like virtual libraries filled with knowledge on all things tech.


So, can your AMD GPU handle ray tracing? The answer is a qualified yes! You’ll definitely get a taste of the magic, with shadows, reflections, and lighting looking more realistic than ever.

However, be prepared for some trade-offs. Compared to some other options, performance might take a hit, and not all games support AMD’s ray tracing tech yet.

But hey, the good news is AMD’s constantly improving their game! New technologies like FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) can help boost performance while using ray tracing. And more games are adding AMD ray tracing support all the time.

So, the final verdict? If you’re an AMD user who craves a touch of ray tracing magic and doesn’t mind some potential performance dips, go for it! Just be sure to check game compatibility and

adjust your settings to find the sweet spot between visuals and performance. The future of AMD ray tracing is looking bright, so who knows, maybe that dream of fully ray-traced awesomeness is closer than you think!


What is ray tracing and why is it important for graphics?

Ray tracing is a rendering technique used in computer graphics to simulate the behavior of light in the real world. It helps create more realistic and immersive visuals by accurately depicting how light

interacts with objects, including reflections, shadows, and refractions. This results in lifelike graphics in games, animations, and other visual media.

How do AMD and Nvidia differ in their approach to ray tracing?

AMD and Nvidia utilize different hardware solutions for ray tracing. Nvidia employs dedicated RT cores designed specifically for accelerating ray tracing tasks, while AMD utilizes its traditional compute cores.

Nvidia’s RT cores offer optimized performance for ray tracing, whereas AMD’s compute cores provide versatility but may not achieve the same level of performance in ray-traced visuals.

What are the key differences in ray tracing performance between AMD and Nvidia GPUs?

Nvidia GPUs generally outperform AMD GPUs in ray tracing tasks, especially at higher resolutions like 4K. This results in smoother gameplay experiences with ray tracing enabled on Nvidia hardware. AMD

GPUs may still offer enjoyable ray-traced experiences, particularly at lower resolutions, but they may consume more power and exhibit lower performance compared to Nvidia GPUs.

Can AMD GPUs support ray tracing in games?

Yes, AMD GPUs can support ray tracing in games, but the level of performance and quality may vary compared to Nvidia GPUs. Some games may not fully utilize ray tracing capabilities on AMD hardware

due to optimization for Nvidia’s RT cores. However, AMD continues to optimize its hardware and work with game developers to improve ray tracing support.

How can I enable ray tracing on my AMD GPU?

To enable ray tracing on an AMD GPU, ensure you have a compatible GPU model (Radeon RX 6000 series or later), a supported game, and updated drivers installed. You can typically enable ray tracing through

the game’s graphics settings, adjusting quality levels to balance visuals and performance. Regularly updating drivers and game patches can also improve ray tracing performance and compatibility.

Are there any advantages to using ray tracing on AMD GPUs?

Despite potential performance differences, there are still reasons to consider using ray tracing on AMD GPUs. Some games are optimized to work well with AMD hardware, providing good performance and

quality with ray tracing enabled. Additionally, lower resolutions may mitigate performance gaps between AMD and Nvidia GPUs, allowing for enjoyable ray-traced experiences on AMD hardware.

Is ray tracing limited to gaming, or can it be used for other purposes?

Ray tracing isn’t limited to gaming; it’s also utilized in professional applications for creating realistic images and animations. AMD provides tools like Radeon ProRender and Radeon Rays, which leverage

ray tracing for various creative and professional purposes, including architectural visualization, product design, and virtual reality content creation.

How can I stay informed about ray tracing updates and advancements for AMD GPUs?

To stay updated about ray tracing updates and advancements for AMD GPUs, regularly check AMD’s official website for driver updates and announcements. Additionally, follow news sources and forums

dedicated to graphics technology to stay informed about the latest developments in ray tracing technology and software optimization for AMD hardware.

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