Can RTX 4090 run 16K?

If you’re a gamer, you probably know about the RTX 4090, the latest and greatest graphics card from NVIDIA. It has a whopping 24GB of memory and a powerful new architecture

that makes it the king of the hill. But how good is it really? Can it handle the ultimate challenge of 16K gaming? 16K gaming is the next level of resolution, beyond 4K and 8K.

It means having a screen with 15360 x 8640 pixels, or 16 times more than 4K. Imagine the stunning detail, the crisp clarity, and the immersive realism. Sounds amazing, right? But

before you get too excited, there’s a catch. 16K gaming is not easy. It requires a lot of computing power, and not many games or displays support it. So, can the RTX 4090 handle it? Let’s find out!

What Factors Affect 16K Gaming Performance?

Can RTX 4090 run 16K?

There are many things that can affect how well a game runs at 16K. Here are some of the most important ones:

The game itself:

Different games have different levels of graphics quality and complexity. Some games are older or simpler, and can run well at 16K. Others are newer or more advanced, and can be

very demanding at 16K.

Graphics settings:

You can adjust the graphics settings of a game to make it look better or run faster. For example, you can lower the resolution scaling, turn off anti-aliasing, or reduce visual

effects. This can improve the performance at 16K, but it can also make the game look worse.

Other system components:

The graphics card is not the only thing that matters for 16K gaming. You also need a powerful CPU, enough RAM, and a fast SSD to support the huge amount of data

processing. If any of these components are weak, they can bottleneck the performance.

DLSS and frame generation:

These are two technologies from NVIDIA that can help with 16K gaming. DLSS stands for Deep Learning Super Sampling, and it uses artificial intelligence to upscale lower resolution

images to higher-resolution ones. Frame generation is a technique that creates new frames between existing ones to make the motion smoother. Both of these can boost the

performance and quality of 16K gaming, but they are not available for all games.

How Does the RTX 4090 Perform at 16K?

To answer this question, we need to look at some benchmarks and tests that have been done with the RTX 4090 at 16K. Here are some examples:

Microsoft Flight Simulator:

This is one of the most graphically intensive games ever made. It simulates the whole world in realistic detail, with dynamic weather, lighting, and physics. It’s a very hard game to run

at 16K, even with the RTX 4090. Tests show that the RTX 4090 can barely reach 8-10 frames per second (FPS) at 16K, even with the lowest settings.

That’s not very playable, and it can make you feel sick or dizzy.

Grand Theft Auto V:

This is an older game, but still very popular and fun. It has a large open world, with many cars, people, and activities. It’s easier to run at 16K than Microsoft Flight Simulator, but still not easy.

Tests show that the RTX 4090 can achieve 30-40 FPS at 16K, with low settings. That’s playable, but not very smooth, and it can make the game look blurry or pixelated.

Red Dead Redemption 2:

This is another open world game, but with a western theme. It has beautiful landscapes, wildlife, and characters, with realistic physics and effects. It’s similar to Grand Theft Auto V

in terms of difficulty to run at 16K. Tests show that the RTX 4090 can reach around 30 FPS at 16K, with low to medium settings.

That’s also playable, but not very impressive, and it can make the game lose some of its charm.

Is 16K Gaming Worth It with the RTX 4090?

Based on these examples, we can see that 16K gaming with the RTX 4090 is possible, but not very enjoyable.

Most games will struggle to run smoothly at 16K, even with the lowest

settings. And lowering the settings can make the games look worse, defeating the purpose of 16K gaming. Furthermore, the system requirements for 16K gaming are very high, and not many people can afford them.

You need a powerful CPU, a lot of RAM, a fast SSD, and of course, a 16K display, which is very rare and expensive.

So, is 16K gaming worth it with the RTX 4090? The answer is probably no, at least for now. It’s more of a curiosity, a glimpse into the future, than a practical reality. As technology evolves and 16K displays

become more common, 16K gaming might become more feasible and enjoyable. But for now, it’s better to stick with lower resolutions, like 4K or 8K, and enjoy the games with

higher settings and smoother performance.

What’s Next After 16K?

If you’re still not satisfied with 16K, and you want more, you might wonder what’s next. Is there anything beyond 16K? The answer is yes, there is.

There are always new ways to push the boundaries of resolution and immersion. Here are some examples:

8K VR:

Virtual reality is a technology that lets you experience a game as if you were there, with a headset that covers your eyes and ears. 8K VR is the next level of VR, with a resolution of

7680 x 4320 pixels per eye. That’s four times more than 4K VR, and it can make the VR experience more realistic and lifelike.

However, 8K VR also requires a lot of computing power, and not many VR headsets or games support it yet.

Foveated rendering:

This is a technique that can make VR more efficient and effective. It uses eye tracking to detect where you are looking, and then renders only that part of the image in high resolution,

while the rest is rendered in lower resolution. This can save a lot of processing power and bandwidth, and make the VR experience smoother and sharper.

However, foveated rendering also requires advanced hardware and software, and it’s not widely available yet.

What is the max resolution for rtx 4090?

So, after considering all these factors, how high can the RTX 4090 go? What’s the ultimate resolution it can handle? The answer is: it depends. It depends on the game, the settings, the system, and the technologies. There is no single number that can answer this question.

However, some benchmarks and tests have tried to explore the limits of the RTX 4090 at high resolutions. Here are some results:


This is the highest resolution that most people can imagine. It has 15360 x 8640 pixels, or 16 times more than 4K. It’s very hard to run games at this resolution, even with the RTX 4090.

Tests show that the RTX 4090 can barely reach 10 FPS at 16K, even with the lowest settings and DLSS. That’s not very playable, and it can make you feel sick or dizzy.


This is a slightly lower resolution, but still very high. It has 10240 x 4320 pixels, or 10 times more than 4K. It’s easier to run games at this resolution than 16K, but still not easy.

Tests show that the RTX 4090 can achieve 30-40 FPS at 10K, with low to medium settings and DLSS. That’s playable, but not very smooth, and it can make the game look blurry or pixelated.


This is the highest resolution that most monitors and TVs support. It has 7680 x 4320 pixels, or 4 times more than 4K. It’s the most realistic resolution to aim for with the RTX 4090.

Tests show that the RTX 4090 can reach 60 FPS at 8K, with medium to high settings and DLSS. That’s smooth and enjoyable, and it can make the game look stunning and immersive.

Is High Resolution Gaming Worth It with the RTX 4090?

Based on these results, we can see that high resolution gaming with the RTX 4090 is possible, but not very practical. Most games will have trouble running smoothly at

resolutions above 8K, even with the

lowest settings and DLSS. And lowering the settings can make the games look worse, defeating the purpose of high resolution gaming. Furthermore, the required system

configuration, including a high-end CPU, RAM, and storage, adds a lot of cost and complexity.

So, is high resolution gaming worth it with the RTX 4090? The answer is probably no, at least for now. It’s more of a curiosity, a challenge, than a reality. As technology evolves and high resolution displays

become more affordable and available, high resolution gaming might become more feasible and enjoyable. But for now, it’s better to stick with lower resolutions, like 4K or 8K, and

enjoy the games with higher settings and smoother performance.

What’s Next After High Resolution Gaming?

If you’re still not satisfied with high resolution gaming, and you want more, you might wonder what’s next. Is there anything beyond high resolution gaming?

The answer is yes, there is. There are always new ways to push the boundaries of graphics and immersion. Here are some examples:

  • Ray Tracing:

This is a technology that simulates the realistic behavior of light and shadows in the game. It makes the graphics more lifelike and beautiful, with reflections, refractions, and

shadows. The RTX 4090 supports ray tracing, and can run it at high resolutions, with DLSS. However, ray tracing also requires a lot of processing power, and can reduce the performance of the game.

  • VR (Virtual Reality):

This is a technology that lets you experience the game as if you were there, with a headset that covers your eyes and ears. It makes the game more immersive and exciting, with 3D

vision and sound. The RTX 4090 can run VR games at high resolutions, with DLSS and Frame Generation.

However, VR also requires a lot of processing power, and can cause motion sickness or discomfort.

Can the RTX 4090 run games in 16K?

The RTX 4090 is indeed a powerhouse when it comes to graphics cards. It’s like having a supercar in your computer. But just like a supercar might not be the best for off-road

terrain, the RTX 4090 might find 16K gaming a bit too heavy to handle smoothly with all the visual settings turned up to the max. It’s possible, but it’s like asking a sprinter to run a

marathon – they can do it, but it won’t be at their usual speed.

How well will it perform compared to 4K?

Imagine you’re used to running in a park smoothly, but then you try to run on a beach where the sand slows you down. That’s what happens with the RTX 4090 when you

compare 16K to 4K gaming. At 4K, it’s a smooth run in the park, but at 16K, it’s like running on a sandy beach – you’ll feel the difference because it’s slower.

Are there benchmarks?

Yes, benchmarks are like report cards for graphics cards. They tell you how well the RTX 4090 can perform in different games at various resolutions. It’s like getting a sneak peek at

how the card will handle the heavy lifting before you decide to take it home.

Is 16K gaming even possible?

16K gaming is like the future – it’s possible, but we’re not quite living in it yet. The RTX 4090 can technically make it happen, but it’s like being one of the first people to get a 4K TV

when there were hardly any 4K channels – you can do it, but there’s not much to watch yet.

What frame rates can I expect?

At 16K, the frame rates might dip below the golden standard of 60fps. It’s like when a movie starts to stutter – it’s still watchable, but it’s not the smooth experience you want.

Do I need special hardware?

Yes, besides the RTX 4090, you’ll need a strong supporting cast – a powerful CPU and lots of RAM. It’s like wanting to make a blockbuster movie;

you need a great director and a star-studded cast, not just a leading actor.

Are there 16K monitors?

There are some 16K monitors out there, but they’re like luxury cars – very expensive and not something you see every day. Most people are still enjoying the ride in 4K or even 1080p.

Difference between 4K and 16K?

The jump from 4K to 16K in image quality is like going from a regular TV to a cinema screen – it’s bigger and more impressive,

but only if you’re sitting close enough to notice all the details. From the couch, 4K is already pretty amazing.

High frame rates at 4K or 16K resolution?

For most gamers, sticking to 4K is like choosing a comfortable pair of shoes – it’s reliable and feels good.

Trying to game at 16K right now might be like wearing shoes that are too big – it’s possible, but not as comfortable or practical.

Can RTX 4090 handle 16K video editing?

Yes, the RTX 4090 can handle 16K video editing. It’s like having a strong friend who can help you move heavy furniture.

It might be tough, and you’ll need to take breaks, but together, you can get the job done.

VRAM for 16K gaming with RTX 4090?

The RTX 4090 has a lot of VRAM, which is great for handling the detailed textures in 16K gaming. It’s like having a big backpack for a long hike – it fits a lot, but there’s a limit to what you can carry.

CPU upgrade for 16K gaming?

For 16K gaming, you’ll need a strong CPU to match the RTX 4090. It’s like having a good engine in a car; you need both to work well together to get the best performance.

Power consumption for 16K gaming?

The RTX 4090 needs a lot of power, like a big appliance in your house. Make sure your power supply is like a strong electrical circuit that can handle all that energy without any issues.

Future games optimized for 16K and RTX 4090?

As time goes on, more games might be made to run well at 16K on the RTX 4090. It’s like roads improving for faster cars – as the roads get better, the drive gets smoother.

Can 16K damage the RTX 4090?

No, running games at 16K won’t damage the RTX 4090. It’s like a professional runner wearing themselves out in a tough race; they’ll get really tired, maybe too hot, but it won’t

cause lasting harm. The card is designed to handle high demands, but it will work harder and get hotter, just like a runner would.

Limitations of 16K gaming?

The main limitations of 16K gaming are the high cost of the necessary hardware and the fact that most games aren’t ready to take advantage of such a high resolution. It’s like

having a sports car when all the roads are still being built for slower vehicles – you can’t really use it to its full potential yet.


The RTX 4090 is an amazing graphics card, but it’s not enough to handle 16K gaming. 16K gaming is a very demanding and challenging task, and it’s not very practical or

enjoyable with the current technology and games. It’s better to wait for the future, when 16K gaming might become more accessible and satisfying. Until then, there are

other ways to enjoy gaming, with lower resolutions, higher settings, and smoother performance.

Or, you can explore other technologies, like VR and foveated rendering, that can offer new and exciting experiences. The choice is yours!


Can the RTX 4090 handle 16K gaming?

Technically, yes, but it’s not ideal. Most games struggle to run smoothly at 16K, even with the lowest settings and DLSS. Expect frame rates below 10 FPS, which is unplayable and can cause discomfort.

What about other high resolutions like 10K and 8K?

10K offers slightly better performance, reaching 30-40 FPS with low-medium settings and DLSS. It’s playable, but not smooth, and visuals might appear blurry.

8K is the most realistic option for the RTX 4090. With medium-high settings and DLSS, you can achieve smooth 60 FPS for stunning and immersive visuals.

Is high resolution gaming worth it with the RTX 4090?

Currently, it’s more of a showcase than a practical reality. While impressive, the benefits don’t outweigh the drawbacks. You’ll need a powerful and expensive system, sacrifice visual quality for playable frame rates, and face limited game compatibility.

What are the alternatives to high resolution gaming?

For a better gaming experience, consider sticking to 4K or 8K. You can enjoy higher settings, smoother performance, and a wider range of compatible games.

What’s next in gaming beyond high resolution?

Ray tracing offers realistic lighting and shadows, enhancing visuals at high resolutions with DLSS. VR immerses you in the game world, but requires powerful hardware and can cause discomfort.

What factors affect high resolution gaming performance?

The game itself: Some games are more demanding than others.

Graphics settings: Lowering settings improves performance but sacrifices visual quality.

System components: CPU, RAM, and storage need to be powerful enough to handle high resolutions.

Technologies like DLSS and Frame Generation can boost performance and quality.

What’s the maximum resolution for the RTX 4090?

It depends on the game, settings, system, and technologies used. 8K seems to be the sweet spot for smooth and enjoyable gameplay.

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