what is the difference between nvidia gtx and nvidia rtx?

Graphics cards are important parts of your computer that help you enjoy beautiful graphics, whether you are playing games, making art, or working on professional projects.

NVIDIA is one of the best companies that make graphics cards, and they have different types of cards for different purposes. They call their cards GeForce, and they have four

main categories: GT, GTS, GTX, and RTX. Each category has its features and benefits, and you need to know what they are before you buy one.

now let’s find out what is the difference between Nvidia GTX and Nvidia RTX!

what is the difference between nvidia gtx and nvidia rtx



GeForce is not a specific card, but a name for all the cards that NVIDIA makes for people who want to use their computers for graphics.

GeForce cards can handle different levels of graphics, depending on what you need and how much you want to spend.

GeForce GT

GeForce GT

If you only use your computer for simple things like browsing the web, checking your email, watching videos, and playing some easy games, you don’t need a very powerful card.

A GeForce GT card is enough for you. These cards can show you smooth graphics for games that are not too hard, and they can play HD videos without any problems.

Some of the popular GT cards are the GT 1030 and the GT 730.

GeForce GTS

GeForce GTS

If you like to play more challenging games, edit videos, or create your own content, you need a card that can do more. A GeForce GTS card is better for you.

These cards can show you smoother graphics for games that have higher settings, and they can play 4K videos without any problems.

They can also run heavier programs that you need for your work or hobbies. Some of the well-known GTS cards are the GTS 450 and the GTS 1050, which is no longer available.

GeForce GTX

GeForce GTX

If you are a serious gamer or a professional creator, you need a card that can do a lot. A GeForce GTX card is powerful for you.

These cards can show you amazing graphics for games that are very hard, and they can play games at higher resolutions, like 1080p and 1440p.

They can also help you with your work, like rendering, video editing, and 3D modeling. Some of the prime GTX cards are the GTX 1060, the GTX 1650 Super, and the GTX 1080 Ti, which is very powerful.

GeForce RTX

GeForce RTX

If you want to have the best graphics possible, and you want to use the latest technologies, you need a card that can do everything. A GeForce RTX card is advanced for you.

These cards have a special feature called ray tracing, which makes the graphics look more realistic by showing how light behaves in games and programs.

They also have another feature called Tensor Cores, which uses artificial intelligence to make the graphics and performance better.

Some of the prominent RTX cards are the RTX 2080 TI, the RTX 3090 TI, and the RTX 4090 Ti, which is the best of the best.

NVIDIA RTX vs GTX – What Is The Difference? 

(Source) GamingScan

FPS ranges for each series based on typical performance:

GeForce SeriesTypical FPS Range (1080p)Typical FPS Range (1440p)Typical FPS Range (4K)Target Audience
GT30-60 FPSNot recommendedNot recommendedCasual gamers, basic tasks
GTS40-80 FPS30-60 FPSNot recommendedModerate gamers, content creation
GTX60-120 FPS40-80 FPS30-60 FPSSerious gamers, demanding tasks
RTX60-144+ FPS (with DLSS)40-100 FPS (with DLSS)30-60 FPS (with DLSS)Hardcore gamers, creative professionals

How Much Do NVIDIA Graphics Cards Cost and What Do They Offer?

Graphics cards are important parts of your computer that help you see beautiful graphics on your screen. NVIDIA is a company that makes many kinds of graphics cards, and they

have different prices and features. They call their graphics cards GeForce, and they have four main types: GT, GTS, GTX, and RTX.

You need to know what each type of card can do and how much it costs, so you can choose the best one for you.

Type of CardPrice RangeWho Should Buy ItWhat It Can Do WellWhat It Can’t Do Well
GeForce GT$100-$200People use their computers for simple things like browsing the web, checking email, watching videos, and playing some easy games.It can show you smooth graphics for games that are not too hard, and it can play HD videos without any problems. It is also cheap and easy to buy.It can’t show you good graphics for games that are very hard, and it can’t play games at high resolutions, like 1080p or 1440p. It is also not very powerful for doing other things that need a lot of graphics, like making art or working on professional projects.
GeForce GTS$200-$300People who like to play more challenging games, edit videos, or create their own content.It can show you smoother graphics for games that have higher settings, and it can play 4K videos without any problems. It can also run heavier programs that you need for your work or hobbies. It is also good value for money for people who need more graphics power.It might have trouble showing you good graphics for games that are very hard, and it might not play games at high resolutions very well. It is also not very future-proof for new games and technologies that might come out soon.
GeForce GTX$300-$800People who are serious about gaming or need a lot of graphics power for their work or hobbies.It can show you amazing graphics for games that are very hard, and it can play games at high resolutions, like 1080p and 1440p. It can also help you with your work, like rendering, video editing, and 3D modeling. It is also future-proof for several years, so you don’t have to worry about buying a new card soon.It is more expensive than the other types of cards, and it might not be the best for some new features, like ray tracing, which makes the graphics look more realistic by showing how light behaves in games and programs.
GeForce RTX$400-$2000+People who want to have the best graphics possible, and want to use the latest technologies.It can show you unmatched ray tracing performance, which makes the graphics look more realistic by showing how light behaves in games and programs. It also has AI-powered acceleration, which uses artificial intelligence to make the graphics and performance better. It is also future-proof for the latest technologies, and it is the best for immersive gaming and demanding workloads.It is the most expensive type of card, and it might be too much for people who don’t need the best graphics or the latest features. It is also not fully used by all games, because not all games have ray tracing or other new features.

How to Pick the Right GeForce Card for You

The best card for you depends on what you want to do with your computer, and how much money you have. Here are some suggestions:

  • If you only want to do basic things and play some easy games, get a GeForce GT card. They are affordable and good enough for you.
  • If you want to have more fun work things and play some harder games, get a GeForce GTS card. They are more expensive but better for you.
  • If you want to do a lot of fun and work things and play very hard games, get a GeForce GTX card. They are very expensive but powerful for you.
  • If you want to have the best graphics possible and use the latest technologies, get a GeForce RTX card. They are very very expensive but advanced for you.

Other Things to Consider When Buying a GeForce Card

There are other things that you need to think about when you are choosing a GeForce card, besides the category.

Each card has a different model number, which tells you how good it is. For example, a GTX 1080 Ti is better than a

GTX 1060. You also need to look at other factors, like how new the card is, how much memory it has, and how fast it runs.

You can compare these things by looking at the specifications and reviews of the cards.

Other Brands of Graphics Cards

NVIDIA is not the only company that makes graphics cards. There is another company called AMD, which also makes good cards. They call their cards Radeon, and they have

different types too. You can compare NVIDIA and AMD cards based on your needs, how well they perform, and how much they cost.

The Upgrading World of Graphics Cards

Graphics cards are always changing because new technologies and models come out all the time.

You need to keep up with the news and updates, so you can know what is new and what is best for you.

Is RTX better than GTX for gaming?

RTX cards are like the latest smartphones – they have the newest features for gaming. They make games look super cool with special effects.

GTX cards are like older phones; they still work well but don’t have the newest tricks.

What does RTX stand for in Nvidia cards?

RTX means “Ray Tracing Texel eXtreme.” It’s a fancy way of saying the card is really good at making games look super realistic with awesome lighting.

What does GTX stand for in Nvidia cards?

GTX is short for “Giga Texel Shader eXtreme.” It’s a cool name Nvidia gave to their older cards, kind of like a nickname that stuck around.

Is ray tracing important for gaming?

Ray tracing is like the cherry on top for games. It’s not a must-have, but it makes games look amazing. If you want the best-looking games, go for RTX.

Do GTX cards have ray tracing?

No, GTX cards are like bikes without fancy gears. They’re good, but they don’t have the special ray tracing feature that RTX cards have.

What are Tensor Cores in RTX cards?

Tensor Cores are like little brains in RTX cards that help make games run better. They’re really smart and can do some cool tricks for gaming and creative stuff.

What is DLSS in RTX cards?

DLSS is like a magic wand in RTX cards. It makes games run smoother and look better, even on big screens, without needing a super-powerful computer.

It’s a bit like having a helper that makes everything look nice and run fast.

Are RTX cards more expensive than GTX cards?

Yes, RTX cards usually cost more because they’re like the newest smartphones with the coolest features. They make games look amazing.

But if you don’t want to spend too much, GTX cards are like older phones that still work really well for gaming.

Is a GTX 1660 better than an RTX 2060?

It’s like choosing between two good ice creams. The RTX 2060 is newer and has special effects for games.

The GTX 1660 might be less expensive and still good for many games. It’s all about what you like and how much you want to spend.

Are GTX cards good for anything besides gaming?

Yes, GTX cards are like a Swiss Army knife for computer stuff. They’re good for making videos, editing photos, and some 3D design.

They’re not the newest, but they’re still really useful for lots of things.

Do I need an RTX card for 4K gaming?

You don’t have to have an RTX card for 4K gaming. A GTX card can also work, but you might need to adjust some settings to get a good experience.

RTX cards are better for 4K because they make games look smoother, kind of like how a Blu-ray player gives you a better movie experience than a DVD player.

If you want the best 4K gaming with all the special effects, then an RTX card is a good choice.

Will RTX cards make my games more realistic?

Yes, RTX cards can make games look more real, especially when you turn on ray tracing. It’s like the difference between a painting and a real photo.

Ray tracing makes light and shadows in games look more natural, which can make you feel like you’re really inside the game world.

Do RTX cards use more power than GTX cards?

RTX cards do use more power than GTX cards. They’re like sports cars that need more fuel because they’re more powerful and can do more things, like ray tracing. If you’re worried

about how much electricity you’re using, a GTX card might be better because it’s like a car that uses less gas.

Are there any downsides to using RTX cards?

The main downsides of RTX cards are that they cost more and use more power. Also, because ray tracing takes a lot of power, it can make games run a little slower, which isn’t

as smooth. But game makers are getting better at making games that work well with RTX, and there’s something called DLSS that can help make games run faster.

When did Nvidia first release RTX cards?

Nvidia first brought out RTX cards in 2018 with the RTX 20 series. These were the first graphics cards for everyday people who could do ray tracing, which was a big change in how games look.

When was the last GTX series released?

The last GTX series, the 16 series, was released in 2019. They didn’t have ray tracing, but they were still a big step up from the older GTX cards because of something called Turing

architecture. It’s like the GTX team gave everything they had for their last moment before RTX cards became the main focus.

Is it worth upgrading from a GTX to an RTX card?

Whether you should upgrade from a GTX to an RTX card depends on a few things. If you have an old GTX card and you want the very best graphics and ray tracing, then getting an

RTX card might be a good idea. But if you’re okay with how your games look now and don’t care much about the extra fancy effects, you might want to wait and see what new RTX cards come out later.

How can I tell if my game supports ray tracing?

You can usually find out if a game supports ray tracing by looking at the game’s box or its official website. You can also look up information online or join forums about the game.

If you see options like “RTX On” or “Ray Tracing Enabled” in the game’s graphics settings, that means it supports ray tracing.

Are there any other graphics card brands besides Nvidia?

Yes, there are other brands like AMD that make graphics cards too. They have cards that compete with Nvidia’s GTX and RTX cards.

It’s like choosing between two sports teams; both are good, but you might like one more than the other for different reasons.

Where can I learn more about the differences between GTX and RTX cards?

You can learn a lot about GTX and RTX cards from the internet. There are tech websites, YouTube channels, and online gaming communities that have reviews, comparisons, and

guides. These can help you understand more about graphics cards, so don’t hesitate to look things up and ask questions if you need to.


NVIDIA makes different types of graphics cards, called GeForce. They have four types: GT, GTS, GTX, and RTX. Each type has a different price and performance.

GT cards are cheap and good for simple things, like browsing the web and playing easy games.

GTS cards are more expensive and better for more fun and work things, like playing harder games and editing videos.

GTX cards are very expensive and powerful for a lot of fun and work things, like playing very hard games and rendering.

RTX cards are very very expensive and advanced for the best graphics and the latest features, like ray tracing and AI.

The best card for you depends on your needs, your budget, and your future plans. You should compare the cards and choose the one that matches you.

This way, you can enjoy the best graphics on your computer.


I like to play old games and do simple things on my computer. What kind of card do I need?

You need a GT card. It is cheap and good for you. It can show you nice pictures for easy games and things.

I want to play new games and do more fun and work things on my computer. What kind of card do I need?

You need a GTS or a GTX card. They are more expensive but better for you. They can show you nicer pictures for harder games and things.

I love to play very hard games and do a lot of fun and work things on my computer. What kind of card do I need?

You need a GTX or an RTX card. They are very expensive but very good for you. They can show you amazing pictures of very hard games and things.

I work with 3D things on my computer. What kind of card do I need?

You need an RTX card. It is very very expensive but very very good for you. It can make your work faster and better.

What is ray tracing and do I need it?

Ray tracing is a feature that makes the pictures look more real by showing how light moves in games and things. It is only on RTX cards.

You might want it if you care about how real the pictures look. You might not want it if you care more about how fast the pictures move.

Can I buy a used card to save money?

You can, but be careful. Check if the card works well with your computer and if it has a warranty. Remember, new cards might be better for you in the long run.

Are there other companies that make graphics cards?

Yes, there is another company called AMD. They make Radeon cards. They have different types too. You can compare them with NVIDIA cards and see which one is better for you.

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