What Drivers To Install on a New PC? [With Installation Steps]

Picture this: you’ve just unboxed your brand-new PC, and it’s a blank canvas waiting for you to unleash its potential. But before you dive into the world of computing, there’s a crucial step you shouldn’t overlook –

installing the right drivers. Drivers are the important heroes of your PC, translating the language of hardware into something your operating system understands.

In this guide, we’ll explore the mysteries of which drivers to install on your new PC, ensuring it runs like a well-oiled machine. So, buckle up as we embark on a journey to driver enlightenment!

Quick Guide For Drivers to Install on a New PC

here are the quick answers to your questions if you do not have time you can see this table to save time What Drivers To Install on a New PC

Hardware ComponentDriver TypePurpose
Graphics Card (GPU)Graphics DriverDisplay graphics, enhance gaming, and video playback.
Sound Card/AudioAudio DriverEnable sound output and input for audio devices.
Network Interface (NIC)Network DriverConnect to the internet and local networks.
Motherboard ChipsetChipset DriverControl communication between hardware components.
Storage (HDD/SSD)Storage ControllerManage and access data on storage devices.
USB DevicesUSB DriversRecognize and communicate with USB devices.
Keyboard and MouseInput DriversEnable specialized features of keyboards and mice.
Printer and ScannerPrinter/Scanner DriverUse printers and scanners with Windows.
Webcam and CameraCamera DriverEnable webcam and camera functionality.
Bluetooth DevicesBluetooth DriversConnect and use Bluetooth peripherals.
Specialized PeripheralsPeripheral DriversEnsure compatibility and functionality of specialized devices.
Motherboard BIOS/UEFIFirmwareKeep motherboard firmware updated for stability.
Firmware UpdatesFirmware UpdatesUpdate firmware for specific hardware components.
Monitor (optional)Monitor DriverOptimize monitor performance and features.
Power ManagementPower Management DriverOptimize power consumption and performance.

Remember to obtain drivers from the hardware manufacturer’s website for the best compatibility and performance. Windows Update may provide generic drivers, but they may not always offer the latest features or optimizations.

What Are Drivers?

What Are Drivers

First off, what in the world are drivers? Well, think of them as the translators between your computer’s hardware (like your keyboard, mouse, and graphics card) and the software (the fun stuff like games and apps). Drivers help these parts of your computer talk to each other in a language they both understand.

Why Do You Need to Install Drivers?

Imagine if you got a magical pet dragon. It’s awesome, but it doesn’t understand your commands yet. You need to teach it to follow your lead, right? That’s what drivers do for your computer parts – they teach them how to work together.

Without the right drivers, your computer might not work as well as it should. Your dragon might just sit there looking confused!

Important Drivers to install on a new PC:

Here are the important drivers that you need to have on your PC when installing a new Windows on a new PC or a laptop! it is necessary to have because it drives the important hardware that is in your Computer for example ( CPU, GPU, AUDIO, WIFI, LAN )

1. Chipset Drivers 

these drivers control the communication between the various components on your motherboard and help it to run your PC smoothly without any problem

What Are Chipset Drivers?

Chipset drivers are like the unsung heroes of your computer’s motherboard. They are the bridge between your operating system and the hardware components that make your computer tick, from the CPU to memory and storage. Think of them as the conductors of an intricate orchestra, ensuring that all the instruments play in harmony.

Why Chipset Drivers Matter

Now, you might wonder why chipset drivers are important, considering they don’t get the same limelight as flashy graphics cards or blazing-fast processors. Well, here’s the scoop:

Step-by-Step Guide To Install Chipset Drivers

Follow the simple Steps to install chipset drivers successfully this is very easy anyone can do this and make your Computer happy

1. Choose the Model of the chipset
Choose Model of the chipset
2. Select your Windows type
Select your Windows TYPE
3. Download the Chipset
Download the Chipset
4. Doubble click and install
Doubble Click and install
6. Chipset is Installing
Chipset is Installing

7. install everything here

Install everything here
8. Installation in Progress
Installations In Progress
9. Chipset Installed Successfully
Chipset Installed Successfully
Benefits of Chipset DriversDescription
Performance BoostChipset drivers optimize hardware performance, acting like a turbocharger for your computer.
Preventing DramaUpdated drivers prevent hardware conflicts and performance issues, avoiding CPU and memory showdowns.
Troubleshooting SavvyChipset drivers can troubleshoot and fix hardware problems, acting like tech-savvy superheroes.

How to Update Chipset Drivers

Updating your chipset drivers is easier than deciphering a Rubik’s Cube (trust us). Here’s how:

  1. Visit the Manufacturer’s Haven: Head over to your computer manufacturer’s website or the chipset manufacturer’s site.
  2. Model Magic: Find the downloads section for your specific computer model or chipset. It’s like locating the secret potion recipe.
  3. The Download Driver: Download the latest chipset drivers. It’s like getting the freshest ingredients for your recipe.
  4. Installation Start: Install the downloaded chipset drivers, and voila, your computer gets a magical upgrade.

Solutions To Chipset Driver Conundrums

Sometimes, even in the realm of technology, things don’t always go smoothly. If you encounter chipset driver problems, don’t fret; here’s a roadmap:

  1. Check for Updates: Ensure your chipset drivers are up to date, like giving your computer a vitamin boost.
  2. Driver CPR: If not, download and install the latest drivers, like giving your computer a breath of fresh air.
  3. Uninstall and Reinstall: If issues persist, consider uninstalling and reinstalling the chipset drivers, like hitting the reset button on a stubborn gadget.
  4. Seek Wizardry: If all else fails, reach out to your computer manufacturer or the chipset wizard for assistance. Sometimes, even wizards need a helping hand!

Guide to Stay Chipset Savvy

Now, to keep the chipset driver show running smoothly, here are some additional tips:

Set It and Forget It: Enable automatic driver updates in your operating system. Your computer will thank you for this care.

Routine Check-Ups: Regularly check for driver updates, especially after major system updates. Maintenance is key!

Tech Butler: Consider using a driver updater tool to scan and update all your drivers, including those elusive chipset drivers. It’s like having a butler for your computer.

In conclusion, chipset drivers are the backstage crew that makes your computer's performance shine. By keeping them up to date and troubleshooting when necessary, you'll ensure your computer operates at its peak potential. So, give those chipset drivers the love and attention they deserve, and your digital symphony will play on without a hitch!

2. Graphics Drivers 

Graphic card Drivers

These drivers control your graphics card and allow you to use it to its full potential, especially in heavy tasks like handling the latest graphics games and software where it needs to render heavy Visuals

Graphics drivers, the unsung heroes of your computer’s visual extravaganza! They’re the software that transforms your hardware wizardry into the mesmerizing images that grace your screen. Without them, your

computer would be as visually thrilling as a blank canvas. In this section, we’ll dive into the depths of graphics drivers, why they’re crucial, how to update them

Importance of Graphics Drivers

Imagine your computer as a stage, and the graphics card as the star performer. Graphics drivers are the directors, choreographers, and scriptwriters, ensuring every pixel pirouettes and twirls flawlessly. Now, let’s uncover why they’re the backstage VIPs:

Benefits of Graphics DriversDescription
Performance PizzazzGraphics drivers optimize graphics card performance, providing the perfect stage and lighting for your visual experience.
Glitch GuardiansThey prevent unsightly glitches and hiccups, ensuring a graceful visual performance without interruptions.
Troubleshooting MaestrosGraphics drivers can troubleshoot and resolve visual oddities, acting as tech-savvy Sherlock Holmes for your computer’s graphics.

How To Install Graphics Driver – Step By Step

Keeping your graphics drivers in top shape is simpler than following a cake recipe. Here’s the recipe for pixel perfection

1. Go to the Nvidia Website and click Drivers in the top-right menu.
Graphic card installation 1
2. Select the relevant Product series from the Dropdown lists and hit Search to find the latest Nvidia driver updates for your GPU.
Graphic card installation 2
3. Check that the recommended download is compatible with your hardware, operating system, and now. Click Download.
Graphic card installation 3
4. When prompted pop up again, click Download once more.
Graphic card installation 4
5. Once the drivers have finished downloading, click the exe file to launch the setup wizard. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.
Graphic card installation 5

Solutions To Graphics card issues

In the world of technology, even the most graceful dancers can trip. When you face graphics driver issues, here’s your choreography:

  1. Update Check: Ensure your graphics drivers are up to date, like checking if your star dancer’s shoes fit right.
  2. Fresh Download: If they’re not, download and install the freshest drivers. It’s like a costume change for your computer.
  3. Uninstall & Reinstall: If issues persist, consider an uninstall and reinstall – a digital makeover, if you will.
  4. Tech SOS: If all else fails, seek help from your graphics card manufacturer or computer maker. Sometimes, even tech wizards need a little magic.

Guide for Staying Pixel-Perfect

To maintain the magic, here are some tips to keep those graphics drivers up to date:

Set It to Autopilot: Enable automatic driver updates in your operating system. Let it be your computer’s personal chauffeur.

Routine Check-Ups: Regularly check for driver updates, especially after major system updates. Prevention is better than a pixelated cure!

Tech Butler: Consider using a driver updater tool to scan and update all your drivers, including those star-studded graphics drivers. It’s like having a tech butler for your computer.

In conclusion, graphics drivers are the wizards behind the visual curtain, making your computer's visual performance shine. Keep them updated and ready for action, and your digital canvas will be a masterpiece of pixel perfection. So, embrace the magic, and let your computer's visuals dance their way to glory!

3. Audio drivers 

These drivers control your sound card and allow you to play audio through your speakers or headphones.

Audio drivers

In the world of computers, audio drivers are the maestros behind the scenes, conducting the harmonious interaction between your operating system and audio hardware. They transform your computer into a

versatile jukebox, allowing you to savor music, voice, and all things auditory. In this section, we’ll uncover the significance of audio drivers, elucidate how to keep them updated, and even add a dash of tech humor to keep things lively.

What Exactly Are Audio Drivers?

Picture your computer as a concert hall, and the audio hardware as the orchestra. Audio drivers are the conductor’s baton, guiding each instrument to create a captivating auditory experience. Let’s dive into their importance:

Benefits of Audio DriversDescription
Performance VirtuosAudio drivers optimize audio hardware performance, akin to tuning instruments before a virtuoso performance.
Glitch GuardiansThey prevent audio hiccups and glitches, ensuring a smooth auditory journey without off-key notes.
Troubleshooting MagiciansAudio drivers troubleshoot and restore harmony when sound-related issues arise, much like a magician’s surprise act.

Keeping Your Audio Drivers in Tune

Maintaining audio driver harmony is simpler than mastering a musical instrument. Here’s your score for success:

  1. Manufacturer’s Stage: Visit the website of your audio hardware manufacturer or your computer maker, where the symphony begins.
  2. Model Maestro: Navigate to the downloads section for your specific audio hardware or computer model, like discovering the sheet music for your favorite song.
  3. Download Duet: Acquire the latest audio drivers, akin to acquiring fresh sheet music for a classic performance.
  4. Installation Overture: Install the downloaded audio drivers, and your computer will be ready to serenade you with perfection.

Resolving Sound-Related Quandaries

In the world of technology, even the most melodious symphonies can hit a few off-notes. Here’s your concerto for troubleshooting audio driver issues:

  1. Check for Updates: Ensure your audio drivers are up to date, like checking if your orchestra’s instruments are in tune.
  2. Fresh Soundwaves: If not, download and install the latest drivers. It’s like giving your orchestra shiny new instruments.
  3. Uninstall & Reinstall: If issues persist, consider an uninstall and reinstall – a digital restringing, so to speak.
  4. Tech Serenade: If all else fails, seek help from your audio hardware manufacturer or computer maker. Even in the world of music, maestros sometimes need a guiding hand.

Guide to a Harmonious Audio Experience

To ensure your audio drivers sing in perfect harmony, here are some additional tips:

Auto-Tune Mode: Enable automatic driver updates in your operating system. Let it be your computer’s voice coach.

Routine Sound Check: Regularly check for driver updates, especially after major system updates. A well-timed encore can be spectacular!

Tech Virtuoso: Consider using a driver updater tool to scan and update all your drivers, including those responsible for your computer’s auditory delight. It’s like having a tech virtuoso on speed dial.

In conclusion, audio drivers are the invisible conductors of your computer’s auditory symphony. By keeping them updated and resolving any issues that arise, you can ensure that your computer serenades you with

perfect sound. So, embrace the music, and let your computer’s audio drivers lead the way to an auditory paradise!

4. Wifi Driver

These drivers allow your computer to connect to the internet and other networks.

Wifi Driver

In the world of wireless wonders, WiFi drivers are the unsung heroes, orchestrating the harmonious connection between your computer and the boundless realms of the internet. They’re the digital bridge that transforms

your hardware into a portal to the online universe. In this section, we’ll delve into the importance of WiFi drivers, share insights on how to keep them updated

How Important is WiFi Drivers

Imagine your computer as a space explorer, and the WiFi adapter as its trusty spaceship. WiFi drivers are the mission control, ensuring your journey through the digital cosmos is smooth and error-free. Let’s uncover their significance:

Benefits of WiFi DriversDescription
Performance MaximizersWiFi drivers optimize your WiFi adapter’s performance, providing a turbo boost for faster and more reliable connections. It’s like supercharging your spaceship for interstellar travel.
Connectivity GuardiansThey safeguard your WiFi connectivity, preventing dropouts and maintaining a steady signal, ensuring you stay connected without interruptions—just like staying in contact with mission control during a space voyage.
Troubleshooting SherpasWiFi drivers act as digital guides, helping you navigate through connectivity issues, much like trusty GPS guiding you through the vast expanse of the internet’s digital wilderness.

Keeping Your WiFi Drivers Shipshape

Maintaining your WiFi drivers is easier than plotting a course through the stars. Here’s your mission plan:

  1. Manufacturer’s Portal: Visit the website of your WiFi adapter manufacturer or your computer maker, the launchpad for your digital journey.
  2. Model Mapper: Locate the downloads section for your specific WiFi adapter or computer model, like finding the coordinates for your destination.
  3. Download Expedition: Secure the latest WiFi driver, as if you were upgrading your spaceship’s navigation software.
  4. Installation Odyssey: Install the downloaded WiFi driver, and your computer will be ready to explore the digital cosmos with confidence.

Solutions To the Digital Frontier

In the vast digital expanse, even the most well-prepared missions can encounter turbulence. Here’s your guide to troubleshooting WiFi driver issues:

  1. Update Check: Ensure your WiFi driver is up to date, much like verifying that your spaceship’s software is current for a smooth journey.
  2. Fresh Connection Signals: If your driver is outdated, download and install the latest version, like giving your spaceship a state-of-the-art communication system.
  3. Uninstall & Reinstall: If issues persist, consider an uninstall and reinstall—a digital reset, so to speak.
  4. Tech SOS: If all else fails, seek assistance from your WiFi adapter manufacturer or computer maker. Even seasoned space explorers need support from mission control.

Guide for a Stellar Digital Voyage

To ensure your digital missions are trouble-free, here are some additional tips:

Auto-Pilot Mode: Enable automatic driver updates in your operating system. Let your computer’s onboard AI be your WiFi navigator.

Routine Connectivity Checks: Regularly check for driver updates, especially after major system updates. A well-timed update can save your mission.

Tech Navigator: Consider using a driver updater tool to scan and update all your drivers, including the critical WiFi driver. It’s like having a tech-savvy navigator on your crew.

In conclusion, WiFi drivers are the unseen captains of your digital journey, ensuring smooth and reliable connectivity to the online universe. By keeping them updated and addressing any issues that arise, you can

navigate the digital frontier with confidence. So, set your course for the wireless waves, and let your WiFi drivers be your trusty co-pilots on your digital voyage through the stars!

5. LAN Driver

Depending on the hardware in your PC, you may also need to install drivers for other devices, such as your printer, scanner, or webcam.

LAN Driver

In the world of local networks, LAN drivers are the quiet heroes, orchestrating seamless communication between your computer and the local area network (LAN). They’re the digital bridge that ensures your devices

play harmoniously together, whether at home, in the office, or at school. In this section, we’ll unravel the importance of LAN drivers, provide insights on how to keep them updated

How Important is LAN Drivers

Picture your computer as a member of a bustling community, and the LAN adapter as its key to the neighborhood. LAN drivers are the neighborhood watch, making sure your computer can navigate the local network smoothly. Let’s uncover why they’re essential:

Benefits of LAN DriversDescription
Performance ConductorsLAN drivers optimize your LAN adapter’s performance, ensuring swift and reliable local network connections. It’s like fine-tuning your car for peak performance on city streets.
Connectivity GuardiansThey protect your LAN connectivity, preventing hiccups and maintaining a steady local network signal, ensuring there’s no neighborhood blackout in the digital realm.
Troubleshooting SheriffsLAN drivers act as digital sheriffs, guiding you through local network troubleshooting with ease, akin to having friendly neighborhood tech support at your fingertips.

Keeping Your LAN Drivers Neighborly

Maintaining harmonious LAN communication is easier than organizing a neighborhood block party. Here’s your guide to maintaining good neighbor relations:

  1. Manufacturer’s Hub: Visit the website of your LAN adapter manufacturer or your computer maker, the neighborhood center for your LAN driver updates.
  2. Model Matcher: Locate the downloads section for your specific LAN adapter or computer model, akin to finding your home address on the block.
  3. Download Delight: Secure the latest LAN driver, as if you were picking up the latest neighborhood newsletter.
  4. Installation Harmony: Install the downloaded LAN driver, and your computer will be ready for a friendly chat with the neighbors.

Solutions To the Local Network

Even in the friendliest neighborhoods, occasional hiccups can occur. Here’s your guide to troubleshooting LAN driver issues:

  1. Update Check: Ensure your LAN driver is up to date, much like verifying that your front door is locked for security.
  2. Fresh Neighborhood Signals: If it’s outdated, download and install the latest LAN driver, like giving your home a security system upgrade.
  3. Uninstall & Reinstall: If issues persist, consider an uninstall and reinstall—a digital spring cleaning, so to speak.
  4. Tech SOS: If all else fails, seek assistance from your LAN adapter manufacturer or computer maker. Even friendly neighbors occasionally need a helping hand.

Guide to a Neighborly LAN Experience

To ensure your LAN connections are smooth and hassle-free, here are some additional tips:

Auto-Neighbor Mode: Enable automatic driver updates in your operating system. Let it be your computer’s friendly neighborhood watch.

Routine Network Checks: Regularly check for LAN driver updates, especially after major system updates. A well-timed update can keep the local network harmonious.

Tech Neighbor: Consider using a driver updater tool to scan and update all your drivers, including the indispensable LAN driver. It’s like having a tech-savvy neighbor on speed dial.

In conclusion, LAN drivers are the unseen facilitators of local network harmony, ensuring seamless communication within your digital neighborhood. By keeping them updated and addressing any issues that

arise, you can maintain a friendly and efficient local network experience. So, embrace your digital neighborhood, and let your LAN drivers be your trusty companions for smooth local network connections!

How to Check If Drivers Are Up to Date?

Ensuring your PC’s drivers are up to date is like giving your trusty vehicle a regular tune-up—it keeps everything running smoothly. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods to make sure all your PC drivers are current, enhancing performance and reliability.

1. Windows Update: The Lazy River of Driver Updates

Method: Using Windows Update

Windows Update is like that friendly neighborhood mechanic who takes care of everything without you having to lift a wrench.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Click on “Update & Security.”
  3. Click on “Check for updates.”
  4. Driver updates will be listed under “Optional updates.”
  5. Click on “Download and install” to get the latest drivers.

Humor: Windows Update: Making your PC feel loved with regular “check-ups.” Just like grandma’s secret chicken soup recipe, it has a fix for everything.

2. Device Manager: Where Drivers and Devices Have Tea

Method: Using the Device Manager

The Device Manager is like your PC’s organized filing cabinet, where drivers and devices sip tea and chat.

  1. Open the Device Manager.
  2. Expand the device category you want to update.
  3. Right-click on the device and select “Update driver.”
  4. Choose “Search automatically for drivers.”
  5. Let Windows find and install the latest driver.

Humor: Device Manager: The place where devices and drivers mingle. Sometimes, they even have a little dance called “Driver Update Cha-Cha.”

3. The Manufacturer’s Website: Where Drivers Roam Free

Method: Checking the Manufacturer’s Website

The manufacturer’s website is like the driver’s favorite hangout spot, where they often announce their latest performances.

  1. Visit the manufacturer’s website.
  2. Locate the downloads page for your specific device.
  3. Download the latest driver from there.

Humor: The manufacturer’s website: Where drivers drop their latest hits. It’s like a concert hall for your hardware.

4. Third-Party Driver Updater Tools: The Pit Crew of Driver Updates

Method: Using Third-Party Driver Updater Tools

Third-party tools are like the pit crew of the racing world, fine-tuning your PC’s performance.

  1. Choose a reputable driver updater tool.
  2. Install and run the tool.
  3. Let it scan for and install driver updates.

Humor: Third-party tools: The pit crew for your PC. Just don’t let them put racing stripes on your monitor.

Additional Guide for a Smooth Ride

Enable automatic driver updates: Let your PC take care of itself like a responsible adult.

Check regularly: Keep an eye on driver updates, especially after major OS updates.

Create a system restore point: Just in case things go haywire during an update, you can always rewind.

Trustworthy sources: Only get updates from trusted sources, like the manufacturer’s website or a reputable driver updater tool.

By following these tips and methods, you can ensure that all your PC drivers are up to date, helping to improve your PC’s performance and reliability. Remember, keeping your PC drivers updated is like giving your digital companion a regular spa day—it’s a small effort for a smoother journey!


Installing the right drivers on your new PC is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and hardware compatibility. Start with essential drivers like chipset, graphics, sound, and networking. You can rely on

Windows for basic drivers, but for the best experience, visit the manufacturer’s website to download and install the latest drivers. Regularly checking for updates is a wise habit to keep your system running

smoothly. Remember, when it comes to drivers, it’s all about providing your PC with the tools it needs for a successful digital journey.


Do I need to install all the drivers available for my new PC?

Not necessarily. It’s crucial to install drivers for essential components like graphics, sound, networking, and motherboard. Other drivers may depend on your specific needs.

Can I rely on Windows to install all the necessary drivers automatically?

Windows does a good job of installing generic drivers, but for optimal performance and compatibility, it’s often recommended to download and install drivers from the manufacturer’s website.

What’s the order for installing drivers on a new PC?

Start with the chipset driver, then install drivers for graphics, sound, networking, and any other hardware devices. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations if available.

How can I identify which drivers are missing on my new PC?

Check for yellow triangles or exclamation marks in the Device Manager. These indicate missing or outdated drivers. You can also use third-party driver updater tools to scan for missing drivers.

Do I need to update drivers regularly after the initial setup?

It’s a good practice to check for driver updates regularly, especially after major OS updates or if you encounter hardware-related issues.

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