Is Nvidia GTX 1080 Still Good

If you’re looking for a high-end graphics card, you might have heard of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080. It was launched in 2016 and quickly became one of the most powerful GPUs on

the market. But that was eight years ago, and technology moves fast. So, is the GTX 1080 still a good choice for gamers and content creators in 2024? Let’s find out!

Is Nvidia GTX 1080 Still Good

Table of Contents

1. GTX 1080 Gaming Benchmarks Performance

(source) Extremepc Benchmark

The GTX 1080 has a Pascal architecture with 8GB of GDDR5X memory. That means it can handle most games at 1080p resolution with high graphics settings. You’ll enjoy smooth

and immersive gameplay with no lag or stuttering.

If you’re into esports or competitive shooters, the GTX 1080 won’t disappoint you. You can expect frame rates above 60 FPS on most popular titles at 1080p. That’s great for fast and responsive gaming.

2. GTX 1080 for 1440p

At 1440p resolution, the GTX 1080 starts to struggle a bit. You might not be able to play at max settings and get 60 FPS consistently. You might have to lower some settings or use a

monitor with FreeSync or GSync. These are technologies that make the game smoother even if the frame rate changes.

But don’t worry, the GTX 1080 can still handle 1440p gaming. You just have to be a bit more flexible with your settings and preferences.

3. GTX 1080 4K Gaming

GTX 1080 4K Gaming

If you want to play at 4K resolution, the GTX 1080 is not the best option. You’ll have to lower your settings a lot to get a smooth experience. You might also experience some lag or stuttering.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t play at 4K with the GTX 1080. You can still enjoy some games that are not very demanding or that don’t need high graphics quality. You can also

use some tricks like lowering the resolution scale or using dynamic resolution.

4. GTX 1080 Ray Tracing and DLSS

One of the biggest drawbacks of the GTX 1080 is that it doesn’t have hardware-accelerated ray tracing. Ray tracing is a technology that makes the lighting in games more realistic and

beautiful. Modern RTX cards from Nvidia have this feature, and it makes a big difference in some games.

GTX 1080 Ray Tracing and DLSS

The GTX 1080 can still run some games with ray tracing, but it will be very slow and choppy. You’ll have to lower your settings a lot and sacrifice performance.

Another feature that the GTX 1080 doesn’t have is Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS). DLSS is a technology that uses AI to make the image look better and run faster. It works by

taking a lower resolution image and making it look like a higher resolution one. This way, you can play at higher settings and resolutions without losing performance.

The GTX 1080 can’t use DLSS, so you’ll miss out on this amazing feature.

5. GTX 1080 for Content Creation

The GTX 1080 is not just for gaming. It’s also a good graphics card for content creation. It has 8GB of GDDR5X memory, which is enough for most tasks like video editing and 3D rendering.

However, if you’re a professional user who works with high-resolution footage or complex 3D projects, you might want a newer GPU with more VRAM. The GTX 1080 might not be

able to handle your workload as well as newer cards.

6. GTX 1080 Pros

The GTX 1080 has a big advantage over the newer graphics cards: its price. Compared to the latest high-end graphics cards, the GTX 1080 is much cheaper, especially if you buy it

used. This makes it a great option for gamers who are on a tight budget and don’t need the latest and greatest features.

The GTX 1080 also has another advantage: its performance. The GTX 1080 has a Pascal architecture with 8GB of GDDR5X memory. That means it can still handle most games at

1080p resolution with high graphics settings. You’ll enjoy smooth and immersive gameplay with no lag or stuttering.

If you’re into esports or competitive shooters, the GTX 1080 will also serve you well. You can expect frame rates above 60 FPS on most popular titles at 1080p. That’s great for fast and responsive gaming.

The GTX 1080 can also handle 1440p gaming, but with some limitations. You might not be able to play at max settings and get 60 FPS consistently. You might have to lower some

settings or use a monitor with FreeSync or GSync. These are technologies that make the game smoother even if the frame rate changes.

But don’t worry, the GTX 1080 can still handle 1440p gaming. You just have to be a bit more flexible with your settings and preferences.

7. GTX 1080 Cons

The GTX 1080 is not perfect, though. It has some drawbacks that you should be aware of. One of them is its power consumption. The GTX 1080 has a TDP (Thermal Design Power) of

180 watts, which means it consumes a lot of power. This translates to higher electricity bills and the need for a powerful power supply unit (PSU) in your system.

Another drawback of the GTX 1080 is its ageing architecture. The GTX 1080 is a seven-year-old graphics card, and that means it might not receive driver updates for much longer.

This could affect its performance and compatibility with future games. It also means it lacks some of the features that newer graphics cards have, like ray tracing and DLSS.

8. Future Proofing vs Upgradability

If you’re looking for a future-proof graphics card that can handle upcoming titles with all the bells and whistles like ray tracing and DLSS at high resolutions, the GTX 1080 might not

be the best choice. Ray tracing is a technology that makes the lighting in games more realistic and beautiful. DLSS is a technology that uses AI to make the image look better and

run faster. These are some of the most advanced and stunning graphics technologies, and the GTX 1080 doesn’t have them.

The GTX 1080 can still run some games with ray tracing, but it will be very slow and choppy. You’ll have to lower your settings a lot and sacrifice performance.

The GTX 1080 can’t use DLSS, so you’ll miss out on this amazing feature.

However, if you’re on a budget and prioritize 1080p or 1440p gaming with good performance, the GTX 1080 can serve you well for a few more years. You can still enjoy

most games at these resolutions, and you can always upgrade your graphics card later when you have more money or when the newer graphics cards become cheaper.

9. GTX 1080 Alternatives Graphic cards

If you’re looking for a graphics card that can offer you more performance, features, and future-proofing, there are a few alternatives to consider.

Here are some of the best GTX 1080 alternatives for 2024:

Nvidia RTX 3060

Nvidia RTX 3060

The RTX 3060 is a mid-range graphics card from Nvidia’s latest Ampere generation. It offers a lot more performance than the GTX 1080, especially for 1440p gaming. It also

supports features like ray tracing and DLSS, which can make your games look more realistic and run faster.

Ray tracing is a technology that simulates realistic lighting effects in games, such as shadows, reflections, and ambient occlusion. DLSS is a technology that uses AI to upscale

lower resolution images to higher resolution ones, boosting performance and image quality.

The RTX 3060 has 12GB of GDDR6 memory, which is more than the GTX 1080’s 8GB of GDDR5X memory. This means it can handle more demanding games and higher resolutions better.

The RTX 3060 has a TDP (Thermal Design Power) of 170 watts, which is slightly lower than the GTX 1080’s 180 watts. This means it consumes less power and generates less heat.

The RTX 3060 is a great option for gamers who want a balance of performance, features, and price. It can handle most games at 1440p resolution with high settings and ray tracing

enabled. It can also play some games at 4K resolution with lower settings and DLSS enabled.

The RTX 3060 costs around $329, which is a reasonable price for its performance and features. However, it might be hard to find one in stock due to high demand and low supply.

Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti

Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti

The RTX 3060 Ti is a slightly more powerful version of the RTX 3060. It offers even better performance for 1440p and 4K gaming. It also supports the same features as the RTX 3060, such as ray tracing and DLSS.

The RTX 3060 Ti has 8GB of GDDR6 memory, which is less than the RTX 3060’s 12GB of GDDR6 memory. However, it has a higher memory bandwidth and a higher core clock

speed, which make up for the lower memory capacity.

The RTX 3060 Ti has a TDP of 200 watts, which is higher than the RTX 3060’s 170 watts. This means it consumes more power and generates more heat.

The RTX 3060 Ti is a great option for gamers who want a bit more performance and features than the RTX 3060. It can handle most games at 1440p resolution with high

settings and ray tracing enabled. It can also play some games at 4K resolution with medium settings and DLSS enabled.

The RTX 3060 Ti costs around $399, which is a bit more expensive than the RTX 3060. However, it might be worth the extra cost for some gamers who want a bit more

performance and features. Like the RTX 3060, it might be hard to find one in stock due to high demand and low supply.

AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT

AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT

The RX 6600 XT is a good option from AMD that competes with the RTX 3060. It offers similar performance at a competitive price point. It also supports features like ray tracing and FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR).

Ray tracing is the same technology that the RTX cards support, which simulates realistic lighting effects in games. FSR is a technology that uses upscaling and sharpening to

improve performance and image quality. It’s similar to DLSS, but it works with more games and graphics cards.

The RX 6600 XT has 8GB of GDDR6 memory, which is the same as the RTX 3060 Ti and less than the RTX 3060. However, it has a higher memory bandwidth and a higher core clock

speed, which make up for the lower memory capacity.

The RX 6600 XT has a TDP of 160 watts, which is lower than the RTX 3060’s 170 watts and the RTX 3060 Ti’s 200 watts. This means it consumes less power and generates less heat.

The RX 6600 XT is a great option for gamers who want a similar performance and features as the RTX 3060, but prefer AMD over Nvidia. It can handle most games at 1440p resolution

with high settings and ray tracing enabled. It can also play some games at 4K resolution with lower settings and FSR enabled.

The RX 6600 XT costs around $379, which is a bit cheaper than the RTX 3060 Ti and a bit more expensive than the RTX 3060. However, it might be a good value for some gamers

who want a similar performance and features as the RTX 3060, but prefer AMD over Nvidia. Like the RTX cards, it might be hard to find one in stock due to high demand and low supply.

What is the Nvidia GTX 1080, and when was it released?

The Nvidia GTX 1080 is a powerful piece of technology that’s used to make games look amazing on your computer. It’s like a super-brain for your computer’s graphics. It was first available in May 2016.

Is the Nvidia GTX 1080 still considered a good graphics card in 2024?

Yes, even in 2024, the Nvidia GTX 1080 is like a trusty old car that still runs well. It’s great for playing many games without any trouble.

What factors determine whether the Nvidia GTX 1080 is still a good choice for gaming?

Think of it like choosing a good pair of shoes. It depends on how well it fits your needs, if it’s not too expensive, and if there are newer, better shoes available.

How does the Nvidia GTX 1080 compare to newer graphics cards released since its launch?

The GTX 1080 is like an older athlete who can still keep up with the younger ones in many games, even though newer players have some fancy moves.

Can the Nvidia GTX 1080 handle gaming at high resolutions and settings?

Yes, the GTX 1080 can make games look really sharp and detailed on big screens for most games, just like a good HD TV.

Is the Nvidia GTX 1080 still relevant for virtual reality (VR) gaming?

Absolutely! The GTX 1080 can take you to other worlds in VR, making everything feel super real and smooth.

What are some potential drawbacks of choosing the Nvidia GTX 1080 in 2024?

Well, it’s like an old phone model. It might not have the latest features, and it’s harder to find in stores because it’s not made anymore.

How does the Nvidia GTX 1080 perform in comparison to mid-range and budget graphics cards available in 2024?

The GTX 1080 is like a gourmet burger in a world of fast-food options—it’s usually tastier and fills you up more.

Is the Nvidia GTX 1080 still a good choice for content creation and productivity tasks?

Yes, it’s like a trusty toolbox that still has all the right tools for jobs like making videos or designing things on the computer.

What are some examples of modern games that the Nvidia GTX 1080 can run well?

Games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Fortnite are like playgrounds where the GTX 1080 can still swing high and slide fast.

How does the Nvidia GTX 1080 perform in comparison to the RTX 20-series and RTX 30-series graphics cards?

The newer RTX cards are like sports cars with extra features, but the GTX 1080 is like a reliable sedan that still gets you where you need to go without costing a fortune.

Can I still find new Nvidia GTX 1080 graphics cards for sale in 2024?

Finding a brand-new GTX 1080 is like finding a new toy from 2016—it’s pretty rare. But you might spot some second-hand ones that are still in good shape.

How do driver support and compatibility affect the usability of the Nvidia GTX 1080 in 2024?

Nvidia makes sure the GTX 1080 still understands the latest games, kind of like how your grandparents learn to use a smartphone.

Is the Nvidia GTX 1080 a good choice for gaming at high refresh rates, such as 144Hz or 240Hz?

Yes, the GTX 1080 can keep up with fast-paced games, making everything look buttery smooth, as long as you don’t push it too hard with the newest games.

Can the Nvidia GTX 1080 be overclocked for better performance?

Sure, you can give the GTX 1080 a little boost, like putting a turbo in your car, to make it run faster, but be careful not to overdo it.

How does the power consumption and heat output of the Nvidia GTX 1080 compare to newer graphics cards?

The GTX 1080 is like a sports car – it uses more fuel (or power) and gets hotter than newer, more efficient models. But with the right cooling, it’s no problem at all.

Are there any specific considerations for pairing the Nvidia GTX 1080 with other PC components in 2024?

Yes, it’s like making sure your sports car has the right tires and oil. For the GTX 1080, you need a strong enough engine (CPU), a good fuel pump (power supply), and a cool garage (cooling solution).

What are some alternative graphics cards to consider instead of the Nvidia GTX 1080 in 2024?

If you’re looking for something different, you could check out the latest Nvidia RTX cards or AMD’s RX 6000 series. They’re like newer models of cars with more features. Or, you could find a GTX 1080 Ti, which is like a souped-up version of the GTX 1080.

What are some potential future developments or upgrades that may impact the relevance of the Nvidia GTX 1080?

In the future, we might see new tech that makes graphics even better, like a new invention that changes how we drive cars. These could make the GTX 1080 seem a bit old-fashioned.

Where can I find reliable information and reviews about the Nvidia GTX 1080’s performance and suitability for gaming in 2024?

For the scoop on the GTX 1080, think of places like a library for computer parts. You can visit websites that review tech stuff, online forums, or watch videos from people who know a lot about computers and games.


Ok so final words The GTX 1080 is an older graphics card, but it can still run many modern games well at 1080p resolution with high settings. It’s a good choice for

budget-minded gamers who don’t need the latest features like ray tracing. However, it struggles at 4K and won’t get future updates for long. If you can afford a newer

card, consider the RTX 3060 or RX 6600 XT for better performance and features. But if you’re on a tight budget and prioritize 1080p gaming, the GTX 1080 is still a decent option.


Can the GTX 1080 still play modern games?

Yes, the GTX 1080 can handle many modern games at 1080p resolution with high settings. You can expect smooth gameplay and good frame rates.

How does the GTX 1080 perform at 1440p and 4K?

At 1440p, you might need to adjust settings to maintain consistent 60 FPS. 4K gaming is a challenge for the GTX 1080, and you’ll likely need to lower settings significantly for a smooth experience.

What about fancy features like ray tracing?

The GTX 1080 doesn’t have dedicated hardware for ray tracing, which impacts visuals in some games. You can technically run ray-traced games, but expect lower performance and the need for significant setting reductions.

Is the GTX 1080 good for video editing and 3D work?

Yes, the 8GB of memory makes it suitable for these tasks. However, professional users working with very high-resolution files might benefit from a newer card with more VRAM.

Should I buy a GTX 1080 in 2024?

It depends on your budget and needs. If you prioritize 1080p gaming and are on a tight budget, the GTX 1080 is a decent option. However, for better performance, newer features like ray tracing, and future-proofing, consider the RTX 3060 or RX 6600 XT.

Anything else to consider?

The GTX 1080 consumes a fair amount of power, so factor in electricity costs and the need for a good power supply unit. Additionally, as an older card, it might not receive driver updates for much longer.