Is RTX 2050 better than GTX 1650?

If you’re a gamer, you know how important it is to have a good graphics card. A graphics card, or GPU, is the component that renders the images on your screen, making your

games look stunning and run smoothly. But with so many options available, how do you choose the right one for your budget and needs?

In this article, we’ll compare two popular mid-range graphics cards from Nvidia: the GeForce RTX 2050 and the GTX 1650. These cards are both affordable and powerful,

but they have different features and strengths that might suit different types of gamers. We’ll look at their performance, features, power consumption, price, and more, to help

you decide which one is the best fit for you.

Table of Contents

How Well Do They Run Games

The most obvious factor to consider when choosing a graphics card is how well it can run your favorite games. To measure this, we’ll look at two aspects: raw power and special features.

How Fast Are They?

Is RTX 2050 better than GTX 1650

Raw power refers to the basic specifications of the graphics card,

such as the number of processing units, the clock speed, and the memory bandwidth. These numbers indicate how fast the card can process data and render images.

The RTX 2050 has a slight edge over the GTX 1650 in terms of raw power.

It has more processing units (called CUDA cores) and higher clock speeds, which means it can handle more complex calculations and graphics faster. According to benchmarks, the

RTX 2050 typically outperforms the GTX 1650 by 5-10% in most games, depending on the settings and resolution.

However, this difference might not be very noticeable in real-world scenarios,

especially if you’re playing at lower resolutions like 1080p. Both cards can run most games at high settings and 60 frames per second (FPS) at this resolution,

which is the standard for smooth gaming.

Unless you’re playing very demanding games or aiming for higher resolutions, you might not see much difference between the two cards in terms of raw power.

What Else Can They Do? (Special Features)

Special features refer to the technologies the graphics card supports, which can enhance the gaming experience in various ways.

The main features we’ll look at are ray tracing and DLSS.

What Is It and Why Does It Matter? (ray Tracing)

ray Tracing

Ray tracing is a technique that simulates how light behaves in the real world,

creating more realistic lighting, shadows, and reflections in games. This can make the game world look more immersive and lifelike, adding to the visual appeal and atmosphere.

The RTX 2050 supports ray tracing, thanks to its dedicated RT cores,

which are specialized units that handle the complex calculations involved in ray tracing. The GTX 1650 does not support ray tracing, as it lacks these cores.

This means that the RTX 2050 can run games with ray tracing enabled, while the GTX 1650 cannot.

However, ray tracing is not a common feature in games yet,

as it is very demanding and requires a lot of processing power. Only a few games support ray tracing, such as Cyberpunk 2077, Control, and Minecraft.

Even with the RTX 2050, you might have to lower the settings or resolution to run these games with ray tracing smoothly.

If you’re not interested in ray tracing, or you don’t play games that support it, this feature might not matter much to you.

What Is It and Why Does It Matter? (DLSS)


DLSS stands for Deep Learning Super Sampling,

a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the image quality and performance of games. DLSS works by rendering the game at a lower resolution,

then using AI to upscale it to a higher resolution, while preserving the details and sharpness.

This way, you can enjoy higher resolutions without sacrificing performance or image quality.

Both the RTX 2050 and the GTX 1650 support DLSS,

but the RTX 2050 has an advantage here. The RTX 2050 supports DLSS 2.0, the latest version of the technology, which offers better image quality and compatibility than the

previous version, DLSS 1.2, which the GTX 1650 supports. DLSS 2.0 can also work with any game that uses temporal anti-aliasing (TAA), a technique that smooths out the jagged

edges in games, while DLSS 1.2 requires the game developers to implement it specifically.

DLSS can be very useful if you want to play games at higher resolutions,

such as 1440p or 4K, which can make the game look more crisp and detailed. DLSS can help you achieve higher resolutions without losing too much performance or quality,

making your games look and run better. However, if you’re happy with playing at 1080p, or you don’t have a monitor that supports higher resolutions, you might not need DLSS.

What other Factors Should You Know?

Performance and features are not the only things to consider when choosing a graphics card.

There are other factors that might affect your decision, such as power consumption, VR readiness, and price.

How Much Energy Do They Use? (Power Consumption)

Power consumption refers to how much electricity the graphics card uses,

which affects the heat generation and the noise level of your system. The more power the card consumes, the more heat it produces, which might require more cooling and

ventilation. This can also make your system louder, as the fans have to spin faster to dissipate the heat. Additionally, higher power consumption means higher electricity bills,

which might be a concern for some users.

The GTX 1650 is a more power-efficient card than the RTX 2050,

typically drawing less than 75W of power, compared to the 90W+ TGP (Total Graphics Power) of the RTX 2050.

This means that the GTX 1650 generates less heat and noise, and consumes less energy, making it ideal for laptops and

compact builds. The GTX 1650 can also run on most power supplies, without requiring additional power connectors,

while the RTX 2050 might need a more powerful power supply and a 6-pin or 8-pin connector.

How Well Do They Support Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality (VR)

is a technology that creates a simulated environment that you can interact with using a headset and controllers. VR can offer a more immersive and realistic gaming experience,

but it also requires a lot of processing power, as the graphics card has to render two images, one for each eye, at high resolutions and frame rates.

Both the RTX 2050 and the GTX 1650 are considered VR-ready,

meaning they can run most VR games and applications without major issues. However, the RTX 2050 might offer a better VR experience, as it supports ray tracing and DLSS 2.0,

which can enhance the visuals and performance of VR

games. The RTX 2050 might also handle more demanding VR titles better, as it has more raw power and memory bandwidth than the GTX 1650.

RTX 2050 vs GTX 1650: Gaming Benchmarks Compared

GameRTX 2050 FPSGTX 1650 FPSPerformance Difference
Cyberpunk 2077 (Low settings)45-5040-455-10%
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Medium settings)50-5545-505-10%
Forza Horizon 5 (High settings)70-7565-705-10%
Fortnite (Epic settings)120-140110-1305-10%
League of Legends (Max settings)250+230+Negligible
Overwatch 2 (High settings)140-160130-1505-10%

Key Points:

The RTX 2050 generally edges out the GTX 1650 by 5-10% in most games.

The performance difference is often more pronounced in newer, demanding titles.

Ray tracing in supported games is exclusive to the RTX 2050, offering enhanced visuals but impacting performance.

Both cards are capable of smooth 1080p gaming in most titles, especially at lower settings.

Additional Notes:

These are estimated averages based on various benchmark sources. Actual performance may vary depending on specific system configurations and game settings.

Newer drivers and optimizations might affect performance over time.

Consider checking benchmarks for specific games you play to get a more accurate picture.

Game Tested in RTX 2050 AND GTX 1650

(source) PC Support & Gaming Test

How Much Do They Cost?

Price is probably the most important factor for most gamers,

as it determines how much value you get for your money. Both the RTX 2050 and the GTX 1650 are budget-friendly cards, but the GTX 1650 is generally cheaper,

ranging from $150 to $200, depending on the model and manufacturer.

The RTX 2050 is slightly more expensive, costing around $200 to $250, again depending on the model and manufacturer.

The price difference between the two cards might not be very significant,

but it might be enough to sway your decision, depending on your budget and needs. If you want to save some money and don’t need ray tracing or DLSS, the GTX 1650 is a great

choice, as it offers excellent performance and features for its price. However, if you’re willing to spend a bit more and want to enjoy ray tracing and DLSS 2.0, the RTX 2050 might

be worth the extra cost, as it offers more future-proofing and potential benefits.

Trying to decide between the RTX 2050 and GTX 1650 for my laptop. Which one is faster for games?

The RTX 2050 is like a sprinter with a bit more spring in its step compared to the GTX 1650. It’s generally faster and can give you smoother gameplay,

which is great if you love your games to run as smoothly as possible.

Is the RTX 2050 worth the extra money compared to the GTX 1650?

It’s like choosing between a regular coffee and a fancy latte. The RTX 2050 could be worth the extra cash if you want that extra gaming and video editing power.

But if your wallet’s feeling light, the GTX 1650 is still a good pick for casual gaming.

I do some video editing and gaming. Would the RTX 2050 be better for those tasks?

For your video editing and gaming, the RTX 2050 could be like a trusty multi-tool. It’s got features that help speed up editing and give you a little edge in gaming too.

Do I need ray tracing for the games I play? Does the RTX 2050 have ray tracing?

Ray tracing is like the special effects in movies; it’s not necessary, but it makes everything look cooler.

The RTX 2050 has ray tracing, so if you want your games to have that extra sparkle, it’s got you covered.

Are the RTX 2050 and GTX 1650 good choices for high-end gaming on a laptop?

If you’re dreaming of the ultimate gaming setup, there might be stronger cards out there. But for many games,

the RTX 2050 will do a fine job, and the GTX 1650 won’t let you down for less intense gaming sessions.

Which graphics card uses less battery life, the RTX 2050 or GTX 1650?

The GTX 1650 is like a small car that uses less fuel—it generally uses less battery than the RTX 2050. The RTX 2050 has extra features that need more power.

But remember, battery life also depends on other things, like how bright your screen is and what you’re doing on your laptop.

I’m a student on a budget. Would the GTX 1650 be a good option for casual gaming?

For sure! The GTX 1650 is like a trusty bike that gets you where you need to go without costing a lot. It’s good for playing lots of games without spending too much money.

You might need to turn down some settings for really big games, but you can still have lots of fun.

Can either the RTX 2050 or GTX 1650 handle video editing software like Premiere Pro?

Both cards can handle video editing, but the RTX 2050 is like having an extra set of hands to help you out.

It’s better for big projects with lots of effects because it has more power and special features that make editing faster.

Are there any laptops that offer both the RTX 2050 and GTX 1650 as options?

It’s like finding a café that serves both regular coffee and fancy drinks. Some laptops let you choose between the

RTX 2050 and the GTX 1650, so you can pick the one that fits your needs and budget the best.

How much of a performance difference is there between the RTX 2050 and GTX 1650 in real-world use?

The performance gap between the RTX 2050 and GTX 1650 can be like the difference between a fast jog and a sprint. Sometimes the RTX 2050 is about 10-15% faster,

but for easy tasks, you might not notice much difference. You can look up benchmarks online to see how they compare to the games you like.

Will the RTX 2050 future-proof my laptop for upcoming games better than the GTX 1650?

The RTX 2050 is like a newer smartphone model—it’s got the latest features that might help it stay relevant longer.

But remember, technology moves fast, and even the RTX 2050 will feel old eventually. Think about how long you want to keep your laptop before you’ll want a new one.

Do I need a powerful CPU to take advantage of the RTX 2050’s capabilities?

Yes, it’s like needing a good engine in a sports car. A powerful CPU will make sure your RTX 2050 can show off its full potential.

If your CPU is too slow, it’s like having a traffic jam on the data highway, and your graphics card won’t be as fast as it could be.

Are there any heat concerns with the RTX 2050 compared to the GTX 1650 in laptops?

The RTX 2050 might get a bit warmer than the GTX 1650 because it’s doing more work. But don’t worry, most laptops are built to handle the heat.

Just make sure your laptop has space to breathe, and keep an eye on the temperature.

Where can I find benchmarks comparing the gaming performance of the RTX 2050 and GTX 1650?

You can find benchmarks on tech websites or YouTube, which test graphics cards in different games.

It’s like looking at race times to see which car is faster. These benchmarks will show you how the RTX 2050 and GTX 1650 stack up against each other.

Are there any limitations on the video memory (VRAM) of the RTX 2050 or GTX 1650?

Both cards usually come with 4GB of VRAM, which is enough for lots of games. But if you’re playing a game that’s like a big buffet of graphics, you might need more VRAM to handle all the details.

What kind of display resolution (e.g., 1080p, 1440p) would these graphics cards be best suited for?

The RTX 2050 is good for playing games at 1080p, like watching HD TV. For 1440p, which is even sharper, you might need to turn down some settings.

The GTX 1650 is also good for 1080p, but it’s more like watching regular TV.

Are there any driver updates or software considerations for the RTX 2050 vs GTX 1650?

Just like apps on your phone, both cards need the latest drivers to work their best. Check the manufacturer’s website to download them.

They might also have special software tricks for each card, so take a look.

Is it easy to upgrade a laptop’s graphics card in the future, or am I stuck with what I choose now?

Upgrading a laptop’s graphics card is usually not possible—it’s like being unable to change the engine in your car.

So, the card you pick now is the one you’ll have as long as you have the laptop.


In conclusion, both the GeForce RTX 2050 and the GTX 1650 are solid choices for mid-range gaming. The RTX 2050 offers slightly better performance, ray tracing,

and DLSS 2.0 support, making it ideal for those who prioritize cutting-edge visuals and future-proofing. On the other hand, the GTX 1650 is more budget-friendly, with

lower power consumption and excellent performance for 1080p gaming. Consider your gaming priorities, budget, and system requirements when making your decision.

Whether you prioritize raw power, special features, or cost-effectiveness, both cards offer great value for gamers. Ultimately,

the best choice depends on your personal preferences and gaming needs.


What’s the main difference between the RTX 2050 and GTX 1650?

The main difference lies in their features and performance. The RTX 2050 offers better raw power, ray tracing, and DLSS 2.0 support, while the GTX 1650 is more budget-friendly with lower power consumption.

Is ray tracing important for gaming?

Ray tracing can enhance visual quality by simulating realistic lighting effects, but it’s not essential for all games. Only a few games currently support ray tracing, so it depends on your gaming preferences.

What is DLSS and why does it matter?

DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) improves image quality and performance using AI technology. It’s beneficial for gaming at higher resolutions without sacrificing performance or image quality.

How do I know which card is compatible with my system?

Both cards are compatible with most modern systems, but check your system’s power supply and physical space for installation. The GTX 1650 is more power-efficient and suitable for compact builds or laptops.

Which card is better for VR gaming?

Both cards are VR-ready, but the RTX 2050 may offer a slightly better experience due to its higher performance and support for advanced features like ray tracing.

What factors should I consider when choosing between these cards?

Consider your budget, gaming preferences, power consumption, and desired features like ray tracing and DLSS. Choose the card that best fits your needs and priorities.

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